Welcome! If you're reading this blog, you probably know me pretty well already. However, just in case...
I'm a 30 something mother of 2 - My first born being Evan, a loveable but stroppy nearly 4 year old. His interest in baking currently extends to licking the bowl! 12 weeks ago, he was joined by baby Megan, my laid back bundle of loveliness! The success of this blog may depend on me getting her into a nap routine (failed spectacularly at this with Evan!) I've been married for 8 years to Nigel, a sports photographer and very willing recipient of my baking.
I work as a paediatric nurse at Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People, in Loughborough. An amazing and privileged job, although tough at times. Pootling around in the kitchen is a great escape from all the stresses and strains.
So how did this all start? Well, it must be at least 10 years ago now. I was working on the neonatal unit, and had just picked up a Jamie Oliver book from The Book People. One of my colleagues said "oh, don't bother with cookbooks, nobody ever makes more than 2 recipes from any one". Maybe she had a point... I've only ever made his Pukkola (which is darn good!) But since then, I've thought it would be a good challenge to work through a cookbook. Then some 4 years ago, Nigel and I were on holiday in Aldeburgh - our last hurrah before Evan arrived. We went to see Julie and Julia at the cinema, I loved it and thought maybe I could blog a cookbook too!
So why now? I've no idea, it's not as if my children fill my time! Maybe it's my mind wanting to think something other than baby now and again while I'm on maternity leave. Or perhaps that breastfeeding leaves me constantly starving and a bit obsessed with food. Or, it may have a teensy bit to do with the fabulous KitchenAid that I received for Christmas (thanks, Santa Nigel xx) Whatever the reason, here I am!
And why Rachel? Well, the choice was between Delia's Complete Cookery Collection (the practical choice), The Great British Bake Off (probably the most fun and calorific) or one of Rachel's books. Rachel is definitely my favourite celebrity chef, I love her laidback approach and find her recipes easy to follow. Don't get me wrong Delia, I think you're great and I grew up on your Complete Cookery Collection. But you do remind me of a scary school cookery teacher. Whereas Rachel makes me think of cooking with a friend, and just having lots of fun. I put the question of which to choose to my Facebook friends, and Rachel came out tops. However, a few people said they looked forward to sharing my successes, and baking seemed to lend itself to that. What fun, a project for myself but also something to make other people happy! So, Rachel's 'Bake' it is!
I was initially planning to do this in a year, however after counting some 140 recipes, thought this may be a little ambitious! So I'm going to attempt it over the next 2 years, and hope you'll enjoy the journey with me.
Now, what to bake first?
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